Social distanced Virtual Christmas Party Ideas for Kids
We all know this years holiday season is going to look a little different. But that doesn't mean there can't be safe celebrations to get into the holiday spirit!
Are you looking for ideas for how to have a socially distanced or virtual Christmas party for this year? Check out some of our ideas below!

1. Zoom call with Santa.
Book a Santa and let the kids have a fireside chat with him over Zoom. Works best with smaller groups so kids may chat in shifts if group is too big.
2. Virtual magic show.
Hire a magician and stage a holiday magic show via zoom.

3. Send activity pack/gifts home with parents for each child.
Custom greeting from your company shows they are not forgotten this year. Kids keep busy with craft projects and adopt and stuff pet keepsake. Check out these Santa sacks which would be perfect for this!
4. Christmas story time
Set up a zoom call with someone/or a group from your company reading Christmas stories. You could send a company logoed mug home for each child with a packet of instant hot chocolate. They could make hot chocolate for the storytime in the mug.

5. Send gingerbread house making kits home with each family.
Get them to post pictures of finished creations on a shared site.
Be creative! Happy Holidays