FREE at Home Birthday Party Ideas for Kids!

FREE at home birthday party ideas for kids!

We rounded up ideas for celebrating a child's birthday in social isolation, with just a few family members and using things you have at home!

Birthday Tree

Use a tree or potted plant if you have one, if not, grab a branch from outside or create a paper tree and tape it to a designated wall-space, whatever you have.

Decorate the tree with colourful wool or fabric scraps, paper ornaments, Christmas tinsel, balloons, streamers, popcorn strings- Really anything you have around.

Photo scavenger hunt

Use cell phones and send kids with a list of pictures to take- Can be a race or timed activity. You can also give points for each item if some are harder to find than other.

Ideas for the list:

Outdoors: A worm, a flower, a cat. 

Indoors: A paperclip, A red book, A spatula

You can also find many pre made lists online!

Dress up meal

Get everyone in your family to dress up in costume or fancy clothes for dinner. Encourage another family to do the same then Facetime over dinner!

Treat time

Make making the Birthday treat part of the day! Bake a cake, cupcakes or rice krispie squares with the whole family then at dinner time put candles on it to sing happy birthday.


Have everyone in the family create a card for the birthday child and have other families email messages to be shared as well!


Simple things like pudding finger painting, scented playdoh, rock painting, sock puppets can be great party activities.  Just use what you have at hand and get creative! Other craft idea include recycled container crafts- Tin can pencil holders, milk bottle bird feeders, mini greenhouse from plastic shell container.

And most importantly, don't forget to celebrate the day!!

The birthday may be different than you imagined but it can still be fun and creative