8 Kids Party Activity Ideas for Unicorn Themed Birthday Party

We compiled a list of our favourite 8 party activity ideas for your unicorn birthday party!

1. Magic Crystal Hunt:

  1. Buy glass decoration rocks from dollar store. 
  2. Hide around an specific area
  3. Kids hunt for crystals
  4. Keep the crystals they find

Piñata from Etsy store Elpinatasumy

2. Unicorn Piñata:

Fill with candy and mylar shred for glittery fallout when the Piñata is broken.

3. Glitterball AKA. Pass the Parcel:

 1. Wrap suckers in saran wrap layer until forms a ball. 

2. Kids sit in a circle rolling dice. 

3. When they roll doubles they get to take glitterball and start peeling layers and keep any candy they uncover. 

3. Other kids keep rolling dice to take ball away when they get doubles. 

 PS. For older kids use mittens to slow unwrapping

Picture from Pinterest

4. Ring the Horn:

Try to ring traffic cone with hula hoops. By throwing the hula hoops to try and have them land on a cone. Can be painted and decorated in fun unicorn colours!

5. Don’t ring the bells:

  1. Tie bells onto a hula hoop with ribbon. 
  2. Suspend hula hoop between two chairs using string or bungee cords so it is about a foot off the ground. 
  3. Kids must try to get through hoop without ringing bells.



Picture from blog My Frugal Adventures 

6. Unicorn Slime:

Follow this great recipe.

Image from Darling Darlene blog

7. Decorate your own Horn:

Use pointed ice cream cones and decorate with icing/sprinkles/candies to make unicorn horns!

8. Unicorn Par-T-Pets

A super fun activity for kids, 8” pets to adopt and stuff with a zip and velcro closure so there is no sewing required!


Check out this video on how to make a super cute DIY unicorn party invitation.